Our school vision
The Lord says, ‘I will instruct you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye
on you.’ Psalm 32:8
We live our vision with three dynamics at the heart: Living, Learning & Flourishing together.
We live as role models and advocate good choices
We learn in all we do with a loving eye upon us
We flourish in the way we go, within school and into the world beyond
Our five Core Values are: Kindness – Koinonia – Compassion – Responsibility – Forgiveness
Through a positive, caring environment, we provide the opportunity for every child to reach
their full potential. We embrace Christian values and ensure all children are ready for their
next steps. This statement sets out how we do this in Geogrpahy.
At Great Massingham and Harpley Primary Schools Federation, we are committed to providing
all children with learning opportunities to engage in geography. This policy sets out a framework
within which teaching and non-teaching staff can work, and gives guidance on planning, teaching
and assessment. It has been developed through a process of consultation with school staff and
At Great Massingham and Harpley Primary Schools Federations we believe geography helps to
provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world.
Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world,
LIVE the reality of its interconnectedness and their place in it. The geography curriculum
enables children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum
areas and which can and are used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural
development. Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops an
understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills.
The curriculum is designed to ensure that teaching equips pupils with knowledge about
diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep
understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress through
the school, what they LEARN and their growing knowledge about the world will help them to
deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of
the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge and skills are
progressive and are sequenced to provide the framework and approaches that provide
explanation of how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and
change over time. We seek to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world
and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives, equipping them well for
further education and beyond. This is of paramount importance in supporting our children to
FLOURISH in the next stages of their learning.
The children undertake a broad and balanced programme that takes account of abilities,
aptitudes and physical, emotional and intellectual development. Through geography the children
learn a range of skills, concepts, attitudes and methods of working. We approach RE, History
and Geography through the enquiry process:
ENGAGE The new
enquiry is introduced
by exploring the
conceptual focus and
core question.
ENQUIRE The enquiry is co-
constructed with the pupils whilst
staying within the parameters of
the learning outcomes (see long
term plan, skills and voab
progression docs).
EXPLORE Pupils enquire
into the core question
through the suggested core
knowledge, skills and
respond to, analyse and
evaluate their
understanding of the
core question.
Pupils EXPRESS the knowledge and
understanding they have gained to
answer the key question, with an
opportunity for the teacher to
assess if pupils have met age-
related expectations.
The bulk of each enquiry process is captured in a floor book but children will also have
opportunities for extended writing.
Geography is taught in Reception as an integral part of the topic work through child-initiated
and adult led activities. The children are given the opportunity to develop their understanding
of the world through activities such as finding out about different places and habitats and
investigating our locality. In the Foundation stage geography makes a significant contribution to
developing a child’s understanding of the world through activities such as walks in our local area
(to know places in our local community), reading simple maps and using landmarks to understand
During Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area in the United
Kingdom or abroad, finding out about the environment in both areas and the people who live
there. They also begin to learn about the wider world. They carry out geographical enquiry
inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions about people,
places and environments, and use geographical skills and resources, such as maps and
During Key Stage 2, pupils investigate a variety of people, places and environments in the
United Kingdom and abroad, and start to make links between different places in the
world. They find out how people affect the environment and how they are affected by it.
Pupils carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this,
they ask geographical questions, and use geographical skills and resources, such as maps,
atlases, aerial photographs and ICT. Children will develop geographical enquiry skills, including
asking geographical questions, collecting and recording information and identifying different
views. They will acquire the appropriate practical skills associated with Geography, including
using suitable vocabulary, fieldwork techniques and maps, plans and atlases. Pupils will use
secondary sources of information with accuracy, including aerial photographs, satellite images,
etc. As well as making its own distinctive contribution to the school curriculum, geography
contributes to the wider aims of primary education. Teachers will ensure that links between
subjects are maximized.
The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in geography lessons. Our principal aim
is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in geography and we use a
variety of teaching and learning styles in our geography lessons. We believe in whole-class
teaching methods and combine these with enquiry-based research activities. We believe
children learn best when:
The local area is fully utilised, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the
classroom embedded in practice.
Existing knowledge is checked at the beginning of each topic, as part of the KWL strategy
(What I know, What I would like to Know and What I have Learned). This ensures that
teaching is informed by the children’s starting points and that it takes account of pupil
voice, incorporating children’s interests.
Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenges to all learners and to
develop independent working and confidence, in line with the school’s commitment to
At the end of each topic, children write a summary of what they know according to the
key knowledge statements identified on the school’s progression map for geography.
Knowledge Organisers are used to underpin children’s understanding of subject specific
language, remind children of previous knowledge and provide visual and summative
information on key knowledge to be learned. They support children in engaging in
independent tasks. These are available as a reference point as needed. In addition, they
are made available to parents to support learning and topic specific vocabulary, at home.
They use maps and atlases.
They are shown, or use independently, resources from the internet and videos.
They are able to use non-fiction books for research.
They are provided with opportunities to work independently or collaboratively, to ask as well
as answer geographical questions.
Planned progressive questioning is in all sequence of lessons. This extends to and promotes
the higher order thinking of all learners. Questions initially focus on the recall or
retrieval of knowledge.
We recognise the fact that we have children of differing ability in all our classes, and so we
provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to
the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies including scaffolding
through resources as well as providing extra support from peers or adults.
Geography is taught through a theme approach alongside Design & Technology, History and Art.
Our curriculum is carefully planned over a cycle to engage and excite all our learners. Our long-
term and medium-term plans map out the skills and themes covered each term for each key
stage. These plans define what we will teach and ensure an appropriate balance and distribution
of work across each term.
Through formative and summative assessment, we continuously monitor pupils’ progress.
We will know our geography curriculum is having the desired impact on our children when:
they can talk enthusiastically about their geography lessons and can remember key
knowledge and apply it in other contexts;
pupils can explain the key vocabulary and use it appropriately in lessons;
termly assessments show children make good progress in geography;
through geography, we apply higher-level skills, such as enquiry, analysis, interpretation,
evaluation and reflection to deepen our knowledge, understanding and appreciation of
their local area and its place within the wider geographical context, leading to high