
The aim of the school is to co-operate with parents and the child’s medical practitioner in order to create the best possible circumstances for the health of the child. Parents/carers should inform the school of any particular medical condition their child may have. The school may need to gain parental permission to contact the child’s General Practitioner for advice on the child’s best care and where necessary appropriate training for staff will be arranged. Routine dental, hearing and eyesight checks are not carried out in school for year groups other than Year R, we recommend parents seek checks from their own dentist/optician/GP/health visitor. Should your child become ill or have an accident in school, you will be contacted as soon as possible. As we have only limited facilities for caring for children who are unwell, please ensure we have the contact number of a friend or relative who would be able to collect your child should you be unavailable. In the case of a medical emergency, staff will contact the Emergency Services, the pupil’s Medical Practice and parent/carers immediately. Where parents are not able to be present, or cannot be contacted school staff will act in ‘loco parentis’. This means they are obliged to act in the child’s best interest. However, parents will be informed of any action to be taken and their verbal consent obtained if possible. 
ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES Administration of medicines remains the responsibility of the parents/carers and is not the duty of school staff. Where medicines are prescribed 3 times daily dosages can be arranged to fall outside school hours. If a child is so ill they require the administration of medicine more frequently he or she should remain at home until the course of treatment is complete. Medication for long term conditions will be agreed with parents/carers and the Headteacher/SENDCO. Any necessary medication must be handed to the secretary by the parent in clearly labelled and named containers. A form of indemnity must be signed. All medicines will be kept in a secure place.
 EDUCATIONAL VISITS AND PUPILS HEALTH A pupil’s medical condition may need to be considered before an educational visit; but the need for medication/treatment will not be regarded as an obstacle to any pupil’s enjoyment of an activity. In the interest of equal opportunities every endeavour will be taken not to disapply a pupil from school activities due to a medical condition; however, the safety of all pupils must remain the school’s first priority.