Maths curriculum statement
Our school vision
The Lord says, ‘I will instruct you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye
on you.’ Psalm 32:8
We live our vision with three dynamics at the heart: Living, Learning & Flourishing together.
We live as role models and advocate good choices
We learn in all we do with a loving eye upon us
We flourish in the way we go, within school and into the world beyond
Our five Core Values are: Kindness – Koinonia – Compassion – Responsibility – Forgiveness
Through a positive, caring environment, we provide the opportunity for every child to reach
their full potential. We embrace Christian values and ensure all children are ready for their
next steps. This statement sets out how we do this in the national curriculum subject of Maths.
At Great Massingham and Harpley Primary Schools Federation, we believe mathematics is an
essential part of our children’s development. We will deliver a curriculum which is driven by high
expectations and incorporates our school vision and values.
We are dedicated to ensure that children LIVE mathematical concepts through creative and
engaging lessons which will give them a range of opportunities to explore mathematics and
recognise the importance of it in the wider world.
We seek to engage all of our children and foster a love of mathematics. They experience the
same quality of teaching and learning opportunities so that all can achieve their potential. Rich
connections are made across mathematical ideas ensuring children LEARN to:
– demonstrate mathematical fluency so that they can develop conceptual understanding and
can recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately mathematical fluency, reasoning and
– use mathematical vocabulary to reason and make connections;
– solve increasingly sophisticated problems.
We aim to give our pupils the chance to believe in themselves as mathematicians and develop the
power of resilience and perseverance when faced with mathematical challenges.
We want all children to recognise that mathematics underpins much of our daily lives and
therefore is of paramount importance in supporting our children to FLOURISH in the next
stages of their learning. We ensure links are made between mathematics and other subjects.
Learning will build upon children’s knowledge and understanding from EYFS to Year 6 in line with
the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework and Primary
National Curriculum.
We implement our approach through high quality teaching delivering appropriately challenging
work for all individuals. To ensure that Maths is taught coherently and progressively throughout
the school we use the White Rose Maths schemes of learning, supplemented by resources from
other high quality sources such as the NCETM and NRICH. Sequences of learning are broken
down into a series of small, connected steps, with each building on the children’s prior learning.
Pupils in the Early Years are prepared for the Primary National Curriculum by developing a solid
conceptual understanding of number and numerical patterns. Our EYFS curriculum also includes
rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas, including
shape, space and measures. Learning throughout the school is introduced using a concrete,
pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach so that pupils develop a conceptual understanding of
mathematics through a variety of manipulatives and representations. Classrooms have a wide
range of different concrete and pictorial resources for the children to use such as Base 10,
Numicon, bead strings, counters, multilink, place value counters, number lines, hundred squares
and bar models. Our calculation policy outlines the CPA approach in more detail.
Teacher’s plan using the White Rose schemes of learning, which builds on small steps within
blocks and covers all of the National Curriculum content for Y1 – Y6 and the Early Learning
Goals for EYFS. White Rose Maths ensures that mathematical thinking skills are developed so
that students can think mathematically and explain their methods and thinking processes. By
following White Rose, we are using a mastery approach to our mathematics teaching. Teaching
for mastery means that children experience interactive whole-class teaching where pupils work
together and are given opportunities to consolidate and deepen their understanding, rather than
speeding through the curriculum. Lessons address the needs of all pupils including those with
SEND with the use of scaffolding, skilful questioning and carefully designed enriching activities.
We use an ‘I do; We do; You do’ approach to ensure children have the learning modelled and are
given opportunities to practice their skills within groups, pairs and also independently. All
lessons contain elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
In addition to the daily maths lesson, children are also given daily number and arithmetic
practice. This supports children to develop their mathematical fluency and consolidate
previously learnt skills. Within our calculation policy we ensure that children are being taught
specific mental arithmetic strategies such as rounding and adjusting to add and subtract near
The vast majority of our pupils will progress through the programmes of study at broadly the
same pace. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged by being offered rich and
sophisticated problems before moving to new content. For those who are less secure, teachers
aim to rapidly address gaps in children’s understanding within the lesson and through targeted
intervention outside of the lesson.
Through formative and summative assessment, we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against
expected attainment for their age and identify gaps in their learning. Teachers use these to
inform their planning to ensure that all pupils have a secure understanding and that they are all
challenged at an appropriate level.
We will know our Maths Curriculum is having the desired impact on our children when:
they can talk enthusiastically about their maths lessons and can articulate the context in
which maths is being taught;
pupils can explain the key vocabulary and use it appropriately in lessons;
they demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures, including the recollection of
number bonds, doubles and halves and times tables;
pupils have the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and
representations of maths and they develop the ability to recognise relationships and
make connections;
a child can demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways and explain the most
efficient method;
they use mathematical language to express their ideas and can independently apply the
concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations;
they have the skills to use methods independently and show resilience when tackling